Greatly expand your selling opportunities in a worldwide art and design marketplace using a secure online platform, with promotion and marketing provided by us.

Listing is free, and you will be provided with a home page so you can manage the exhibition, promotion and sale of your artworks or design items.

Our fee is paid through a competitive, fixed percentage commission deducted from your artworks-online sales (individual artists: 33%; designers, galleries and design stores: 15%). There is no requirement to maintain a minimum level of sales.

We also allow you to sell through other galleries or at your physical location without fee, provided the availability of works or items offered through artworks-online is guaranteed either automatically at the time of buyers adding to their cart (in the case of unique items, this requires exclusive listing with artworks-online), or by your confirmation of availability following buyer enquiry.

You will have access to our shipping provider, with automated shipping arrangements finalised through the secure online sales system. But there is flexibility for you to arrange your own shipping if you wish.

Customer payments are processed through our secure payments system, held by us in an agreed buyer currency. There will be subsequent payment to your bank account in an available currency of your choice after confirmed completion of delivery to the buyer.

Application Process


    Carefully review the seller categories and criteria on our About page to choose the correct category for you. You will need to submit documentation as supporting evidence to confirm you comply with the minimum criteria.


    The required supporting evidence varies by category. Examples include education certificates, curriculum vitae (including for key management personnel in the case of galleries and design stores), business registration documentation, publications, prize certificates and signed letters of confirmation or opinion on registered company or institution letterhead. Independent verification of authenticity may be required for some documents. Galleries and Design Stores need to provide information about the artists and designers that produced works in their collection to enable profiles to be created, except for works classified as ‘Decorative Art’ or ‘Decorative Object' (a CV or career statement is the minimum required documentation for the basic Artist or Designer category).


    Complete and submit the online application form below, including uploading all required supporting documentation. The required fields include your proposed full text and images for your seller home page, with at least one example artwork or design object for sale. Additional items may be submitted to better support your application. There are file upload size limits. If you need to exceed the file upload limits, you may provide files using your own large file transfer facility, or by contacting us to arrange for alternative means of file submission.


    Application assessment can take up to one month, but is usually completed sooner. We may need to ask further questions or seek further documentation.


    If approved, you will be provided with login credentials, which will allow you to edit and manage your seller home page. Your seller page will be pre-populated with content from your application. You will only need to activate the page and upload additional items for exhibition and sale. However, you may make edits to the text and images on your seller home page at any time. Such amendments will be reviewed and may be subject to editing by Artworks-Online. When approved Galleries and Design Stores add works by artists and designers not already classified, they will need to provide a career statement or CV to enable profile creation, except for works classified as ‘Decorative Art’ or ‘Decorative Object' (other supporting evidence will also be needed for classification for other than the basic Artist or Designer category).

Apply now

by completing and submitting the following

Personal Information (*required)

Galleries and design stores should provide the start date of their current operations

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Upload example Artwork(s) / Design Item(s) to support your application (*required)

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